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Frequently asked questions

Do I need a referral?
Clients can self refer or be referred by a professional. Click on any Self Refer Now button.

Do you have Medibank rebate?
Yes. Please refer to the price list for more detail. 

How do I book?
Email us through the website.  Clients can self-refer or be referred by a professional. Contact will be made after the referral inquiry form has been reviewed. The new referrals are reviewed each Monday. 

Can the parents or carers meet the clinician without the child?
An in-depth process to gather information about the child and their needs relies on contributions from key adults and sometimes schools and services.  There are times when it is very helpful to meet without the child and we will guide you through this process. 

What is the best way to communicate with Wonderkind & Co?
Email is the most efficient and reliable way to communicate with us.  

Do I need to pay upfront? 
Yes.  All clients are required to pay at the end of their session.  DFFH clients are required to pay in advance. Please refer to the price list. 

What do I need to bring to the session?
Anything that will make you feel most safe and supported. Please consider emailing in advance any assessments, reports or historic information you feel may be helpful. 

What if my child doesn’t want to come?
Going somewhere new and meeting new people is naturally anxiety-raising.  Try to have a conversation about why this process might be helpful and what they hope to gain from this experience. If all else fails, please identify if meeting one of the therapy animals or experiential activities may motivate and engage a safer transition into this therapeutic space.  Please show your child the images on the website and Instagram, this will enable them to visualise the setting where we meet.   There is a FAQ for children section.  

Where is the best place to park?
There is 2 hour on street free parking out the front and around the corner of Wonderkind & Co.

Will parents be part of the session?
Each session is unique.  However, it is likely that family participation will be required.  Sometimes tasks or goals will be set to be completed in between session times. 

Will schools be involved or contacted?
Our aim is to include a full support network and if this was required consent would be requested from parents in advance before contacting the professionals involved. 

How long do sessions last for?
On average 45 to 50 minutes.  However, this depends on the capacity of the child to engage and the nature of the intervention. 

FAQ for kids and young people

What does Wonderkind & Co do?
We work with children and young people who have big emotions, big thoughts and big behaviours which can sometimes be sad, scary or unsafe.  We work to try and understand what is going on to find different ways to manage these in a safe way.

Do I have to come?
Yes, we would really love to meet you.  If your mum and dad think it might be helpful we would like to meet you and see if we can help in anyway. 

What if talking is too hard?
There are many ways for us to communicate whether it is through pets, play, cooking, art and activities.  We understand that words are hard to find sometimes. 

What pets do you have?
We have two gorgeous pets who love to meet children. Bear is a very big Labradoodle who is gentle and playful and loves to snuggle. CannonBall is a very curious bunny who is  very soft and cuddly.  He is very quiet.